No client, just an idea that popped into Douglas Harp’s head. This was one of two Harp and Company designs among the twelve public-jury-selected winners in a competition sponsored by Artists, Designers and Planners for Social Responsibility in the early ‘90s. We then incorporated it into a poster, which has been accepted into virtually every major international poster competition, and is in the permanent poster collection of the Library of Congress.

Identity for the Alliance for the Visual Arts, Lebanon, New Hampshire.

Identity and tagline for a company that provides short-term desk space and connectivity to itinerant individuals who need to get some work done.

For the cover of the first view book we designed for Dartmouth Admissions, we spec’d the typeface Bembo in Dartmouth green, and recommended dropping “College.” This became the de facto new word mark for the College for many years: it was used consistently on countless admissions and development publications; on various college vehicles; and it was front and center on the home page of Dartmouth’s website.

Identity and packaging for a Public Benefit Corporation that helps children build a foundation for STEM success using origami and paper engineering.

Hopkins Center for the Performing Arts at Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire.

Logo and tagline for South Royalton School, South Royalton, Vermont. This public school was facing competition from private schools in the area, and decided that re-branding would help them gain more visibility and credibility.

Worthy Burger is a craft beer and burger bar in South Royalton, Vermont. Douglas Harp hand-drew three to four versions of every letter, number, etc., in order to create a font that is unique to this client.

A longitudinal study designed and conducted by the Joseph C. and Marie C. Wilson Foundation.

As you head up the drive to New Canaan Country School in New Canaan, Connecticut, you pass majestic sugar maples on either side. Your next impression is, “Look at those beautiful Ionic columns framing the main entrance." Here it is in symbol form, with the curves of the Ionic capital echoing the curves of a maple leaf.

Listen is a community services organization in Lebanon, New Hampshire, that addresses the needs of Upper Valley residents through programs that provide housing, food, warmth, and family support.

Identity for a photographer with gallery, studio, and classroom space.

Identity and tagline for a comprehensive baccalaureate college in New London, New Hampshire, that integrates the liberal arts and sciences with professional preparation.

Brunswick School mascot, Greenwich, Connecticut.

Stefan van Norden is a great gardener and filmmaker.

This visual play on cut grass was designed for a friend with a lawn mowing business. He loves it. And, not surprisingly, he stands out among his competitors.

This logo was created for Cornell University's in-house photography department. It was originally conceived to support a direct mail campaign that we helped to develop that would play on the word "up": "Nowhere to go but UP! For digital photography. For slide processing. For when the Dalai Lama's in town." "What's UP? The only full-service photography studio in the area." "Heads UP! Outstanding studio portrait photography."

The Bibb Company was the third largest textile manufacturer in the country. Chances are good that at one time or another we have all slept on Bibb sheets and dried ourselves with Bibb towels. The logo is simple and bright, and suggests fabric without being too literal. The hole where the dot of the "i" should be is nothing more than a graphic device; but its presence makes the logo just a little more dynamic.

Fine woodworker and furniture designer/builder William Braasch of Lyme, New Hampshire, wanted to capture the creativity, originality, and uniqueness of his work. We asked him to bring us some of his favorite tools, and his old English chisel and block plane ended up being interpreted how else? As hand-cut illustrations.

Identity and tagline for a commercial cleaning company in Lebanon, New Hampshire.

Identity for the Y'Ambassador, Lisa Johnson of Norwich, Vermont, who makes gourmet dips and sauces using sweet potatoes, and whose products have now gone national.

Identity for a renewable energy company (and its subsidiaries), formerly Global Resource Options, in White River Junction, Vermont.

Identity for Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center's "hospital within a hospital".

We designed the original logo for Howe Library in Hanover, New Hampshire; this offshoot was created for a capital campaign.

This logo for the Institute for Human Services in Corning, New York, was a tough one. It was a challenge to come up with a concept that didn't appear to single out one particular group, or that didn't have very unpleasant associations. Susan Harp came up with the idea that, quite simply, time was running out. It worked. The client was ecstatic, and most importantly, people looked at it, connected with it, and thought about it, and gave money to help support research. The design was also accepted into a juried competition in New York, the end result of which was a limited edition of 12 postcards dealing with social and cultural issues.

Colby-Sawyer Athletics wanted their brand to better family with the new logo/word mark we created for the College. They love this new one, and any remote similarity to the Denver Broncos mascot is considered a good thing.

New visual brand for Brimmer and May School in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. This logo uses a salient architectural element from the Chase Building on the Brimmer and May campus.

Identity for A Community Resource Network, a nonprofit organization that provides support, education, and information on AIDS, HIV, and Hepatitis C for the Upper Connecticut River Valley.

The goal of Cayuga Medical Center at Ithaca was to rebrand themselves as a regional medical center, and to move people away from the old notion that they were a small community hospital. They wanted their new logo to at once convey high-tech/precision/state-of-the-art medical technology, with a softness that implied superb patient care, a human touch, etc.

AHF preserves historic buildings, structures, and spaces in and around Boston. Old City Hall is one of AHF’s more renowned examples of adaptive reuse.

It was time for the company formerly known as Corning Consumer Products Company (makers of Pyrex, Corelle, Corningware, etc.) to change its name. We joined in the search and analysis with CCPD's manager of design, and Metaphor Name Consultants of San Francisco. Design played a key role in determining the winner: we developed and presented logo variations for five finalist names; World Kitchen was the winner. The new name and logo were determined to be confident, descriptive, memorable, and elegantly simple.

From their website: “More than 25 years ago, InnerAsia founded the Khawachen Arts and Craft Center in Lhasa to revitalize Tibetan rug weaving.” We created this logo for their Hanover, New Hampshire, store, which sells handcrafted rugs and other extraordinary treasures from Tibet.

Logo and tagline for the Upper Valley’s premier resource for computer hardware, software, accessories, services, and training.

Designed by Ibis Biosciences, Reveal is an infectious disease diagnostics instrument that provides timely, comprehensive answers.

Icons for St. Mark's School

Identity for a special effects film company.

Identity for a higher education executive search consultant.

Identity for New England College